Fly Anakin and Koncept Jack$on – The Mandate EP (Side A)

The New Jersey based mastermind GRiMM Doza, laid the gritty, yet surreal production for Fly Anakin and Koncept Jack$on’s The Mandate EP (Side A). Anakin and Jack$on deliver crazy chemistry starting with the adequately named “Troublesome G’s” to “Jefferson’s Crib.” Delivering that nostalgic, yet marvelously modern sound, the EP is nothing short of great work, especially with the duo injecting their buttery flows with their lavish lyrics.

You can hear the major influence from both Koncept Jackson’s last project, Operation LIV LAV which was decidely laid back yet driven by vivid portraits, and elsewhere ave. where Fly Anakin offered up refurbished memories on lucid productions. Combining the most prominent parts of their personas and discography, they successfully delivered on a much desired collab and with this only being “side A,” there’s much more to be excited for on the horizon.

You can buy the album at their bandcamp, MutantAcademyRVA

Keep up with the #MutantWave and GRiMM Doza on Twitter!

@Mutant_Academy – Mutant Academy

@Flyanakin – Fly Anakin

@KonceptMYT – Koncept Jackson

@Grimmmob – GRiMM Doza